Villages & cities

Here you can find a selection of pretty villages and cities in the direct area of Refugio Marnes, this category is under construction, so please come back to read new content! Have fun reading and visiting the beautiful Cost Blanca region and its interior

Cities Spain, Valencia

Monuments Valencia, cities Spain,

The third city of Spain, Valencia a relaxed and ´feel good´city!   Cities Spain; he city of Valencia is the capital of the autonomous region (Comunidad Autónoma) and in terms of […]

Small cities Costa Blanca Denia

Dénia a small city with caracter on the Costa Blanca   Small cities Costa Blanca; Dénia is a city in the Comunidad Valenciana and is located in the northern part of Alicante […]

Rural village Alicante, Gata de Gorgos

Gata de Gorgos a prosperous village in the Alicante province   Rural village Alicante; Gata de Gorgos is located 15 miles from Refugio Marnes and the village is part of […]

Villages Alicante province, Parcent

  Parcent a quiet and relaxed village in the province of Alicante   Villages Alicante province; General Parcent is a charming village with narrow streets which is located in the Vall de […]

Beautiful cities Costa Blanca, Alicante

Square Alicante, Beautiful cities Costa Blanca

Alicante, maybe a bit of a forgotten city in Spain, but more than worthwhile to visit   Beautiful cities costa blanca; Alicante is the capital of our province in the autonomous region […]