Villages & cities

Here you can find a selection of pretty villages and cities in the direct area of Refugio Marnes, this category is under construction, so please come back to read new content! Have fun reading and visiting the beautiful Cost Blanca region and its interior

Villages Costa Blanca, Altea

Old town of Altea

Altea a bohemian village on the coast of the province of Alicante   Altea is located along the coast of the Mediterranean sea and is a 45 minutes’ drive from Agriturismo […]

Places to visit Alicante, Javea

Just a house in Javea, one of the places to visit in the Alicante province

Jávea / Xàbia a nice mediterranean town at the sea   Xàbia is the Valencian name for the town of Jávea, these two titles are used interchangeably. Jávea is a coastal […]

Village Costa Blanca, Jalón

  Jalón /Xaló a rural village at the Costa Blanca with a long agricultural tradition   Xaló is the Valencian name for Jalón and these two names are used interchangeably. It […]

Villages Costa Blanca, Lliber

  Llíber a small and untouched  village at the Costa Blanca General information about Lliber Villages Costa Blanca; The hamlet of Marnes where Refugio Marnes an Ecolodge that is dedicated to rural tourisme, […]