
Hiking trip Spain- Marnes valley

Hiking trip spain, nature on a Stroll arround Refugio Marnes

The Refugio Marnes valley stroll,  direcly from your holiday cottage, b&b room ore glamping tent on your hiking trip Spain A beautiful, short route of just over three kilometres starting […]

Hiking vacations Spain -paseo ecologico-

Hiking vacations Spain, Information board paseo ecologico Benissa coast

 A costal hike during your hiking vacations spain ´el Paseo Ecológico´ This easy hike along the « coast of Benissa »  is approximately 6.5 kilometres back and forth. The « coast of Benissa » […]

Hiking tours Spain, the Puig Campana

Hiking tours Spain, the great Puige Campana walk

  Circling the Puig Campana a great experienca during your hiking tours Spain This hike around the Puigcampana in the nature reserve ‘Puigcampana y el Ponotx’ is 11 kilometres long and […]